Adventure & Victory Blog
Empowerment Moment – Feb 24 2022
Challenges are for Champions Are You All In? Help me make a difference in the lives of women in their families. #womenandchildren #business #adventurevictory #community #familyfirst #pray Posted by Jacqueline Johnson on Thursday, February...
Empowerment Moment – Feb 12 2022
Anointed Affirmations!
Empowerment Moment – Feb 11 2022
Our Empowerment Moment today is about "Peace"
Empowerment Moments – Feb 10 2022
AFFIRMATIONS FOR YOUR DAY! Posted by Jacqueline Johnson on Thursday, February 10, 2022
Empowerment Moment – Feb 08 2022
AFFIRMATIONS FOR YOUR DAY! 1. I am trusting God for the plans He has for me 2. I am framing my future not my past 3. I am focused and walking in faith 4. I am writing my vision down and making it plain taking action 5. I am achieving my projects one at a time...
Empowerment Moment – Feb 7 2022
AFFIRMATIONS FOR YOUR DAY!Posted by Jacqueline Johnson on Monday, February 7, 2022
Empowerment Moment – 11 Affirmations for today!
Good morning 11 AFFIRMATIONS FOR YOUR DAY! 1. I am placed in a strategic position to accomplish everything God has purposed for me. 2. I am loved. 3. I am appreciated. 4. I am excited about life. 5. I am grateful to be alive. 6. I am open to receive...
Prayer In The City: Healing
Communities One Family at a Time
By Tianna J. Robinson
When visionary, Jacqueline Johnson started Prayer In The City it was with
the desire of healing communities with intercessory prayer every other
month. What was simply obedience to God, has evolved into a monthly
prayer movement that is not only praying, but being an answer to prayers.
The generosity of this woman of great faith, coupled with the help of
partners have been able to make a difference in the lives of women and
their families all over the metroplex.
The last Prayer In The City was able to provide backpacks, gift cards,
giveaways and school supplies to children who would otherwise have to go
without. What seems like a minor thing to some means the difference in a
family choosing between their household needs and school supplies.
Because of her effort’s children were able to get what they needed to be
successful this school year.
Let’s not forget to add the powerfully anointed prayer these meetings
provide. Which assures that not just families natural needs are met but their
spiritual needs as well. If you could ask anyone who have had the pleasure
to meet Jacqueline Johnson, they would describe her as a prayer warrior!
So, there is no surprise that everything she does is rooted in prayer. Her
ministry embodies the scripture Romans 12:12, “Be joyful in hope, patient
in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
Prayer In The City, is an event hosted monthly that you cannot afford to
miss. I promise you lives are changing through the power of prayer. We
would love to see you there! To find out about the next Prayer In The City
you can go to Also, if you’d like to partner with
helping a disadvantaged family you can do so on Adventure & Victory’s
website by going to the “How to Help” tab. As always, we are praying for
you. Hope to see you at the next Prayer In The City.

Jacqueline Johnson
President, Adventure & Victory
Certified Life Coach
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